Tips for Driving in Norway. Driver Safety. What documents do I need? Car rental in Norway.




Discovering Norway by Car: The Ultimate Guide for Travelers


Norway, a country renowned for its stunning fjords, picturesque landscapes, and rich cultural heritage, beckons travelers from around the world. Exploring Norway by car offers a unique and flexible way to experience its natural beauty and charming towns at your own pace. This ultimate guide aims to provide you with invaluable information to make your road trip in Norway an unforgettable adventure.

Driving Conditions and Road Quality

The roads in Norway are generally in excellent condition, offering a seamless driving experience through some of the most breathtaking terrains. Major highways like the E6 and E39 provide robust connectivity across the country, while scenic routes such as the Atlantic Ocean Road and Trollstigen present spectacular vistas. Road infrastructure, including well-maintained roads, tunnels, and bridges, efficiently connects fjords and mountains, ensuring smooth travel. When navigating mountainous terrain and coastal roads, it’s essential to be prepared for winding pathways and, in winter, icy conditions that can make driving more challenging.

It is easy to underestimate distances and driving time in Norway, the longest country in Europe. From Kristiansand in the south, it will take about 30 hours to reach the town of Hammerfest in the north, for instance.

Photo by John O'Nolan on Unsplash

However, highways and roads in Norway are relatively free of traffic by international standards and well maintained. Norway has more than 70 years of experience in using road toll payments to finance the costs of bridges, tunnels, and roads. The main roads are the European roads (indicated with an “E” in front of the number), which connects several cities, regions, and countries.Traffic is safe, speed is modest and most roads have little traffic. Drivers should allow plenty of time for the drive and for frequent sightseeing stops. Long distances, particularly in the south-north direction and through the complicated fjord landscape, means that driving takes time. A drive for instance along the full extent of road E6, Norway's main road, takes about a full week.

olls and Ferries

Norway employs an electronic toll collection system called AutoPASS, which simplifies toll payments on toll roads located throughout the country. Additionally, ferries are an integral part of crossing the numerous fjords. Familiarize yourself with the procedures for boarding and paying for ferry services to ensure smooth transitions from road to sea and back.


Parking in Norwegian cities and towns involves using parking meters, parking garages, and designated parking areas. Major cities such as Oslo, Bergen, and Trondheim have specific parking rules that must be followed to avoid fines or towing. Pay attention to parking signs and regulations to ensure hassle-free parking during your journey.

Gas Stations and Services

Gas stations are widely available throughout Norway, even in remote areas, though it's always wise to fill up your tank before heading into less populated regions. Most stations offer a variety of fuels, including petrol and diesel. Along major highways and scenic routes, rest stops and service areas provide convenient locations to refuel, rest, and refresh.

Scenic Drives and Attractions

Norway is filled with stunning scenic drives that are a feast for the senses. Routes like the Geiranger-Trollstigen National Tourist Route, the Sognefjellet Road, and the Lofoten Islands offer incredible views and memorable experiences. Must-visit attractions accessible by car include the majestic Geirangerfjord, the stunning Preikestolen (Pulpit Rock), and the awe-inspiring Northern Lights in Tromsø.

Safety Tips


For a safe and enjoyable drive, be cautious of wildlife on rural roads, maintain your vehicle, and adapt to changing weather conditions. Having an International Driving License (IDL) is essential, especially for non-EU residents. Ensure you have the necessary documents and permits to drive legally and safely in Norway.

Driver Safety

The minimum age for driving in Norway is 17. Drivers must have a valid EC driving licence document – held for at least one year – or, in the case of non-European license holders, a valid permit to drive. The use of mobile phones by drivers is strictly forbidden and is strictly enforced. So too is pedestrian safety. It is important that you give way to pedestrians, especially while they are on, or approaching, a pedestrian crossing. It is not unknown in Norway for drivers to receive hefty on-the-spot fines for failing to give way to a pedestrian, regardless of whether there was an accident.


The other thing that is important is an understanding of the alcohol rules. The maximum amount of alcohol that is allowed in the blood is only 20mg per 100litres of blood, or expressed another way, 0.02%. As a comparison, the UK laws allow 0.08%! In Norway, drinking a small beer may be enough to push a person over the legal limit. Many drunk drivers are sent to prison, with no leniency for foreigners.


Speeding in Norway is another strictly enforced misdemeanour. Even 6km per hour over the legal speed is enough to get a spot fine. Motorways and dual carriageways usually have a 90km per hour speed limit, while built up areas require a maximum speed of 50km per hour. In some densely populated areas the speed limit can be as low as 30km per hour. On most major roads, 80km per hour is the normal maximum speed.


Norway has a long winter season and many roads are covered by ice or hard snow for months, while traffic runs largely uninterrupted. Along several main roads temperatures can drop to -20 °C or -30 °C. Visitors entering Norway by car between October and late April should be prepared. Visitors should not underestimate the difficulties of driving in winter. Each winter main roads are blocked for hours by foreign drivers without adequate skills and equipment to drive on snow and ice. Each winter police and road authorities deny access to Norwegian roads for a large number of foreign drivers who are not prepared

When driving downhill on steep mountain roads, it is best to use a low gear and let the engine control the speed. Brakes can overheat causing the brake fluid to boil.


Common mistakes include:

Norway is wider than Britain and has about the same area as Germany, but distances between north and south are much longer. Finnmark, Norway's northernmost area, is wider than Denmark and the drive through Finnmark is longer than London to Glasgow. E6, Norway's main road, is more than 2600 km and the longest road within a single country in Europe except Russia. During an ordinary vacation in Norway there is usually time only to drive around a section of Norway. As in most of Europe, Norway has right hand driving. Most cars in Norway did traditionally have manual ("stick-shift") transmission.


What documents do I need?

If you want to drive in Norway and have a driving licence issued in a EU/EEA country, you can use it in Norway.  Driving licences from most countries outside the EU/EEA can be used in Norway together with an International Drivers License (you can find online application at The International Driver’s License translation document helps to interpret your domestic government issued driver license and could be useful for car rental and car insurance in many countries. It became a useful advantage for motorists who are traveling overseas and can drive in different territory without experiencing difficulties with various language barriers. For stays in Norway exceeding three months, a Norwegian driving license is needed.

Photo by Raimond Klavins on Unsplash


Car rental

When hiring a car in Norway, you may need to have held the license for at least one year. You can rent a car in most cities and towns in Norway, as well as in larger communities and airports around the country. You can book your car through a car rental company online, in person at car rental offices, or through a travel agent. We strongly recommend that you book in advance, especially during the summer season.

Photo by why kei on Unsplash

Advantages of Using

Obtaining an IDL through offers the convenience of avoiding bureaucratic hassles associated with government offices. The online application process is quick and easy, supported by dedicated customer service.’s licenses are globally recognized, ensuring a smooth and worry-free travel experience in Norway.


Planning a road trip in Norway is an exhilarating prospect, and equipping yourself with the right information will enable you to explore this beautiful country with confidence. Utilizing for your International Driving License can significantly enhance your travel experience by making the process smooth and efficient.

Visit today to obtain your International Driving License and start your Norwegian adventure with ease. Enjoy the benefits of bypassing bureaucratic delays, quick application processing, and excellent customer support, ensuring your journey is as enjoyable and stress-free as possible.